Thursday, January 5, 2012

HUMAN BODY OGY --help i can't think of one that fits!! please?

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is a swarm of bees protecting their colony. Just as the body has skin which is its first line of defense, the bees' first line of defense is one or two would buzz around your head or fly by your face so you get the point that you're going to close to their home. Like the body has the second defense (the W.B.Cs) for any bacteria or virus that has entered, a small portion of the bees will attack you once you enter into their territory, so you would go away. However, if that portion of bees fails to stop you the closer you get to the hive the more bees will attack until the whole swarm will be attacking and they will either lead you away from their hive or take you down.This is just like the antibodies which will only take action if there is a large threat to the body's well being such as the flu virus. I hope this helps.


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