Saturday, January 7, 2012

I did a chlamydia test but didnt fill out the form what will happen to my sample?

so basically i had thrush 4 times and i had some swabs done to findout what was wrong while i was in with the doctor she said it was now government issue to give all 16- 24 yr olds chlamydia test so i said yeah (better safe than sorry ) anyway i was i na rush and did it in the toilets in my doctor surgerie iv never done one before so i did the obvious and peed into the tube put my name date of birth and the date on it then put it into the bag like blood tests are then put it into the postage bag anyway later on i found a leaflet tellin me what to do and it said there was a form to fill in but i didnt see it what will happen to my urine sample now please help ?


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